There are some people who have asked where the nickname Red Hot Lovin’ came from so here’s the story.
This past semester at State I had an interview to be on Cabinet again, and this interview was a group interview. But the thing that made this interview so interesting is that a lot of my friends were doing the interviewing, I interviewed with some friends, and then there were people in the interview I had never met before.
Group interviews at Mississippi State have a reputation for being kind of out there for example; some of the questions are compare yourself to your favorite fruit, if you were a building on campus what would it be, or other random questions. So before the interview I had kind of run through some random questions in my head just to be mentally prepared.
Well time for the interview came and my group walks single file line into this big boardroom and there are my friends sitting across the table. Of course we all start laughing. So I sit down and it’s time for the interview. A girl down the table get the first question…If you were a fruit what would you be and why? No big deal, she answered it was fine…the end.
Then Price looks at me and asks, ”If you were any crayon color (and I promise he said a color not in the box) what color would you be?” With no hesitation or thought, clearly, I said, “Red Hot Lovin’” Yes, it was word vomit, as soon as the words came out of my mouth I wanted to die. I turned as red as my hair, the entire room was laughing. But I just had to laugh it off too.
Ok, to be honest the name didn’t really come out of nowhere. When I was a sophomore at State, it was spring semester and a bunch of my friends and I were about to go to the beach for spring break. So just like every other girl in America or at Mississippi State I went to the tanning bed. Did I mention I have red hair, but I do tan well for a redhead. Anyway, I should not have laid in the tanning bed for 20 minutes that was a huge mistake.
Later that night I was really red….duh, and I was hanging out with my friends Jay and Justin, and of course they were making fun of me for being so red they even wrote a song about how red I was. It was called Red Hot Lovin’ Under the Sun. I can’t remember any of the lyrics but it was pretty funny.
So when the question was asked what crayon color I would be, I gave them an answer I will never live down. The most embarrassing part is that people I don’t know were walking up to me the next day asking me about the Red Hot Lovin’ story. Just typical.
I'm so proud to be your big sis.